How to get good marks in letters?

English Language is a subject that looks to difficult for some students. Students understand every topic but get confused in the letter and that is why the marks are mostly deducted in this topic. Here are some tips & tricks and some ways by which you can score good marks in letter. 

Firstly we would be taking a look on the accurate format of the letter. The format can itself give you about 70% of the letter's marks. You can know the correct format of both types of letter by clicking this link :- Correct Format of Formal and Informal Letter

Although it is not guaranteed that this the ditto copy of the format for all classes but mostly in higher classes, the format is similar like this one. If you are a student of lower standard you could reduce this according to your preference but sender's address, dates, subject (in formal letter), content and the salutation should not be removed from the format as it is voluntary.

Secondly here are some of the points that you should remember while writing a letter.

1. Your should express your thoughts politely and formally in Formal Letter. In case of Informal Letter you could share your thoughts casually 

2. Don't use offensive statements, shortforms, abusives and SMS words.

3. Your body of the letter should acquire atleast 3-4 lines.

4. There must be two or three paragraph in the body of the letter.

Now let's take a look at the meaning of letter and its further divisions.

What is a letter?

A letter is a way to communicate with people and share our thoughts.

Types of Letters 

Letters are divided into two types :-

1. Personal / Informal Letter

2. Formal Letter

Formal Letter's are further divided into two types i.e., Official Letters and Business Letters.

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 E-Storys: A destination of all sorts of letters, applications, essays, notices, e-mails and short stories

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