People should not be allowed to go on hunger strikes. For or against in 350 words

People should not be allowed to go on hunger strikes. For or against in 350 words

 Hunger strike is a form of protest where an individual refrains from eating to convey a message or demand a particular action. While it is a peaceful form of protest, it can have severe consequences on an individual's health and wellbeing. In my opinion, people should not be allowed to go on hunger strike, and the reasons are discussed below.

Firstly, going on a hunger strike can be detrimental to one's health. Refraining from food for extended periods can lead to severe dehydration, malnourishment, and damage to vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, and heart. Additionally, it can cause a drop in blood sugar levels, leading to fainting spells and a loss of consciousness. Therefore, allowing individuals to go on a hunger strike can pose a significant risk to their health and wellbeing.

Secondly, hunger strikes can incite violence and cause unrest. Protests and demonstrations are meant to be peaceful, but hunger strikes can have the opposite effect. As individuals become weaker and more desperate, they may resort to more aggressive forms of protest, leading to clashes with authorities or other groups. This can escalate into violence and pose a risk to public safety.

Thirdly, hunger strikes may not achieve their intended purpose. While hunger strikes can attract media attention and public sympathy, they may not always result in the desired outcome. The authorities may refuse to negotiate or concede to the demands, leading to a futile and potentially harmful protest. In such cases, individuals may have put their health and wellbeing at risk for no discernible benefit.

Lastly, allowing individuals to go on a hunger strike can set a dangerous precedent. It may encourage others to take similar actions, leading to a cycle of protests and hunger strikes. This can destabilize the society and create a climate of unrest, making it difficult for the authorities to maintain law and order.

In conclusion, while hunger strikes may seem like a legitimate form of protest, the consequences of such actions can be severe. It can lead to adverse health effects, incite violence, may not achieve their intended purpose, and set a dangerous precedent. Therefore, people should not be allowed to go on hunger strikes, and alternative forms of peaceful protests should be encouraged

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