Argumentative Essay on "The advantages and disadvantages of being young."

The advantages and disadvantages of being youth


Introduction: What is youth? 

• Advantages of youth
   • Mentally and physically at its peak, more adaptable
   • Innocent with no prejudice, optimistic and positive attitude
   • Forever enthusiastic and daring

• Disadvantages of youth
   • Life stressful because of parents and peer pressure
   • Heart rules over mind, easily influenced by friends

• Conclusion: Advantages of youth far outweigh disadvantages

"His best companion, innocence and health. And his best riches ignorance and wealth. How happy is he who crowns in shades like these? A youth of labour with an age of ease," said Oliver Goldsmith. This vividly sums up what youth is all about. It is however sad, that youth comes only once, what precedes it, is childhood, which is spent in play and frolic and what follows is old age and misery. Youth is the prime of one's life.

Youth is the "age of ease" being mentally and physically in the pink of health. Their minds are fresh and hence more receptive to new ideas and thoughts. Physically too they are mature with all faculties functioning optimally. Being so endowed this is the appropriate time for them to choose a specific stream for study that would lead them to their future career.

Their innocence and ignorance are a blessing, making them free from prejudice or doubt. Their approach to life is therefore more positive and optimistic. It is this attitude which makes them enthusiastic and daring. Often attempting what old people think to be impossible to achieve.

The youth of today are however not a very happy lot, for despite good health and the comforts of modern life they have to study hard at school and at home. Their peers and parents expect too much from them causing stress and anxiety which leads to psychological imbalance, depression and frustration that sometimes proves fatal. The increasing trend of youth taking the extreme step of suicide, is an indication of the stress they are under.

Lacking in experience and wisdom they are more emotional than logical, in deciding important matters. This makes them vulnerable and hence get easily misguided. This is evident in the increasing number of young people taking drugs and indulging in criminal activity because of bad company.

Notwithstanding these disadvantages, one still longs for youth to come back. One is reminded of William Shakespeare when he said, "All the world a stage, and all men and women mere players: They have their exit and entrances: And one man in his time plays many parts." It is unfortunate however, that in this play of life the part of youth has no retake. One must therefore live the part truly and sincerely.


Credits: Art of Effective Writing classes IX - X


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